wesolve foundation empowers people, organizations, and networks to collaborate across sectors and silos and solve systemic problems through: CRAFT

Community building

We organize supportive structures, build trust, and cultivate safe spaces that enable champions and improbable actors to align on a unified purpose, to claim and build power, and to win change. 


We listen to communities and deeply research the systems that inhibit or enable social change and frame well-scoped opportunities for systemic action, so together we can imagine pathways for change and mobilization.


We help communities advocate for systems change and foster accountability.


We raise funds and co-design equitable and sustainable funding models for social movements


We train, support, and grow inclusive communities with a special focus on young women, queer, and socially and economically disadvantaged groups, to shape change and to claim their rightful space in decision-making processes.


 wesolve is serious about collaboration. this means we love working with funders, strategic partners and other change-shapers who want to make together work